Events Guide

Creation & Management

Events are creatable using the /events create command. Upon running, Ilnox will ask you for the following information:

Once all information has been provided, Ilnox will create the event in the specified channel and automatically sign you up for it. Other users of the server may now join and leave the event whenever they please.

The event may be edited or deleted by administrators or the event creator at any time using /events edit [Event Id] or /events delete [Event Id].

In addition to editing events, you are also able to kick joined users from your event using /events kick [Event Id] [User]. Example: /events kick 12345 Edwin#3726

Listening & Searching

Finding events can become quite difficult from time to time; therefore, there are two ways to find events: /events list <channel> & /events search [Search Term].

Upon execution, both commands will provide you lists of events that you can access within the used guild.


By default, Ilnox will alert all participants of an event 15 minutes before the scheduled time. This behavior can be changed using the /configure command to fire the notification earlier or later.

In addition to the standard notification, you can configure up to an additional 5 notifications using /events notifications configure to be sent at any time you please. Configured notifications may be listed at any time using /events notifications list.

Event Channels

Events Channels is an optional feature enabling administrators to restrict where events can be posted. Configuration can be done using /events channels configure, which will prompt you to specify which channel you would like to configure and if there should be a role restriction to post in it.

Tip: Event channels are automatically verified occasionally, ensuring their existence. If an events channel happens to be deleted, it will be automatically removed from available Events Channels.

Members may execute /events channels list at any time to see what events channels are available to them. Administrators will be provided with an administrative view of which channels are configured and which role is required to post in it.

If multiple events channels are available to a user, they will have an option to choose during events creation.

Event Roles

Event Roles is an optional feature allowing events creators to attach customizable roles to their events. Roles will exist for the duration of each event’s existence and will be automatically assigned to the event’s participants.

Events Roles are only available to administrators (defined per /configure) by default. You may permit all events creators to attach roles to their events via the “Events Roles” setting available under /configure.

Smart Channels Integration

Upon creation of a Smart Channel, Ilnox will check if the channel creator has scheduled any events for the upcoming or past 15 minutes. If this happens to be the case, the event creator will be offered to sync the Smart Channel to the event to receive matching channel name, channel description, and channel user limit for the event.

Smart Channels customization must be enabled via /configure to allow usage of Ilnox’s Events Integration.

Congratulations! 🎉 You have now mastered the art of Ilnox Events. Happy scheduling!