

All commands for configuring Ilnox to meet all the requirements your server wants.

configureStarts the guild’s configuration program./configure

Smart Channels

Commands available to create, configure, and manage Smart Channels.

sc createStarts the Smart Channels creation program to create a new template Smart Channel./sc create
sc editStarts the Smart Channels editing program to edit a template Smart Channel./sc edit
sc nameRenames the Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc name [name]
sc limitUpdates the user limit of the Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc limit [limit]
sc bitrateUpdates the bitrate of the Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc bitrate [bitrate]
sc ownerTransfers/provides current ownership of the Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc owner <new owner>
sc loggingUpdates logging for the Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc logging <on/off>
sc banBans a user from the Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc ban [user]
sc unbanUnbans a user from the Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc unban [user]
sc private[Premium] Turns the Smart Channel you’re connected to into a Private Smart Channel./sc private
sc public[Premium] Turns the Private Smart Channel you’re connected to public allowing @everyone to connect/sc public
sc access allow[Premium] Grants a user/role connect access to the Private Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc access allow [user/role]
sc access deny[Premium] Revoke a user/role’s connect permission to the Private Smart Channel you’re connected to./sc access revoke [user/role]
sc variables list[Premium] List the server’s custom Smart Channel Variables./sc variables list
sc variables create[Premium] Create a new custom Smart Channels Variable./sc variables create
sc variables edit[Premium] Edit an existing custom Smart Channel Variable./sc variables edit [variable]
sc variables delete[Premium] Delete a custom Smart Channel Variable./sc variables delete [variable]


All commands related to events, including creation and modification of event posts and configuration of user notifications.

events createStarts the events creation program to create an event./events create
events editEdits an event./events edit [id] <options>
events deleteDeletes an event using the provided event id./events delete [id]
events kickKicks a user from the specified event./events kick [id] [User]
events joinJoins an event using event id./events join [id]
events leaveLeaves an event using event id./events leave [id]
events listGenerates a list of all available events within the guild or in a specified channel./events list <channel>
events searchSearches for events within the current guild via the provided search term./events search [search term]
events notifications listGenerates a list of all your configured Discord notifications./events notifications list
events notifications configureStarts the event notifications configuration program to configure your own Discord notifications./events notifications configure
events channels listGenerates a list of all available event channels within the guild./events channels list
events channels configureStarts the event channels configuration program to create/manage event channels./events channels configure

Rich Messages

All commands for creating and editing Rich Messages via Ilnox.

message newCreates a new message/message new
message editEdits a message/message edit


All commands related to Ilnox Premium, including license listing and license management.

premium inviteProvides the invite link for Ilnox Premium./premium invite
premium licenses listGenerates a list of your Ilnox Premium License distribution./premium licenses list
premium licenses configureStarts the Ilnox Premium License management program./premium licenses configure